Sunday, November 12, 2006
I was on the road for the last two weeks, arrived home last Friday and of course was very pleased to see Sebastian and mbak Sri. I could not sleep so well two days before I went home, as I missed Sebastian so much. The trip was a bit to long, I was required to extend another night in Singapore due to a last minute meeting. Thank God, I am home now !

This time I would like to write about my wondefull weekend with my lovely friends, Klaus and Keiko in Wiesbaden. I had a tough week, with many appointments and flights between Koh Samui - London and Frankfurt. In between my appointments, I also had dinners with clients that week, so many long days, despite of my jet lag.

Klaus and Keiko picked me up from my hotel in Frankfurt at 6 PM on Friday. We were all very exited to meet as it was like a dream that come true, since I have been promising them to visit for many years :)I was also very lucky that we could meet because Klaus and Keiko normally travel a lot as well. Of course we could not stop talking since we met. So many things to tell, especially about my move to Samui. I have been a very bad friend not telling them before. Hiks..

We arrived at their beautiful four bedroom apartment at around 7.30 PM, and guess what.... I was their VIP guest. I felt very special. Keiko prepared a four course dinner for us, and they did not let me do anything. Well, if they did I might not be a great help anyway, I am simply useless in the kitchen. Keiko is a great cook, the food was fantastic ! We had a great time, great conversation and I slep very well that night.

I also enjoyed the breakfast in the morning, and they drove me around the city before taking me to the airport to catch my flight and start another busy week in Singapore.

Keiko and Klaus, I would not normally write this blog in English, this is special for you to be able to read this as well. BIG THANK YOU for the wonderful weekend. Yes, it was short but VERY SWEET. I hope to see you again soon, either in Germany or in Koh Samui. I am so glad to have you both as my best friends

Posted by Christina
posted by Adinugraha family at 5:07 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Seperti judulnya, life is hot in Koh Samui he.. he... Pertama tama thank you atas kunjungan setia dari sahabat sahabat ku. Sorry update nya agak lelet soalnya ngak sempat ketik ketik blog nih, try to balance life between work and family. Alamak it is a struggle at the moment.

Ngak terasa udah lebih 2 bulan kami di Koh Samui, 'coconut island' ini. So far so good. Bastian mulai enjoy sekolah walaupun tiap hari ditemenin mbak Sri. Dia senang sekali sampai kadang hari Sabtu pun minta sekolah.

Aku melewati bulan pertama yang cukup berat, working on Marketing Plan. Puji Tuhan mama ada di Koh Samui temenin Bastian dan mbak Sri selama sebulan. Ngak ngebayang kalo ngak ada mama di sini. Thank you mama ! Waktu mama pulang Bastian sempat selalu tanya Oma mana ? he.. he.. Kehadiran mama di bulan pertama besar sekali artinya untuk kami. I love you mom, thank you for always being there for me.Bayangkan mama sebulan di Koh Samui ngak ke mana mana, cuma di rumah aja, untung sehari sebelum pulang kami sempat jalan lihat waterfall dan butterfly garden.

Budget presentation berlalu dengan baik walaupun aku sempat nervous banget, namanya juga pertama kali, so setelah ini make sure plan nya itu bisa dicapai he.. he...
Tadinya aku berharap setelah budget jadi agak slow down, eh malah lebih heboh lagi. Aku harus ke Chiang Mai dan Chiang Rai untuk site inspection karena aku juga harus jual kedua resort itu. Pengalaman naik gajah di Golden Triangle adalah pengalaman luar biasa, ternyata gajah walaupun besar bisa sangat dekat dengan manusia dan bisa diajak ngomong loh. Aku terkesan sekali dengan pengalaman itu dan pemandangan di Golden Triangle... indah luar biasa. Tak terceritakan deh pokoknya.
Setelah itu ke Phuket untuk survey competitor. Intinya kasihan Bastian ditinggal terus. Untungnya dia ngerti, katanya mama kerja dan kalo pulang harus bawa oleh oleh he.. he..

Minggu lalu pas libur lebaran kami senang kali Gidion datang walaupun sempat aku tinggal ke Phuket semalam, tapi waktu berlalu dengan cepat tahu tahu udah harus balik lagi ke Bali. Dan.. sehari sebelum Dion pulang aku harus sales call ke London dan Frankfurt dilanjutkan dengan training di Singapore. Puji Tuhan tuan rumah ku baik mau nginap di rumah selama aku travelling untuk nemenin mbak Sri dan Bastian dan teman2 di kantor juga ikut ngawasin. Kata kak Kath di emailnya Gila kaleeeeee. Emang kalo dipikir pikir gila juga yach, kami selalu berdoa mohon Tuhan jagai kami sekeluarga walaupun berjauhan. So.. blog ini di update dari London, brrrrr dining soalnya winter udah mulai nih.

Waktu Gidion di sini kami main ke pantai. Bastian suka sekali ke pantai dan berenang di laut soalnya airnya tenang sekali ngak ada ombaknya. Ini jadi rutinitas kami hampir tiap hari Minggu ke pantai. Aku rasa pantai di sini lebih children friendly daripada di Bali, tentunya bukan pantai yang bagus untuk surfing.

Begitulah update dari Samui.. bantu doa yach ! God Bless !

Posted by Christina
posted by Adinugraha family at 4:43 AM | Permalink | 7 comments